Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) D.R.e.A.m.I.n.G of (Tomorrow)

D.R.e.A.m.I.n.G of (Tomorrow)
1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1366x768

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HD ver. Of Spring Has Returned
Original Art by TheLostSindar

christmas lights

Vintage grunge


Lyrics from: Carousels-Alamoth Lane

Other textures and effects made by me in Adobe Photoshop CS5.

I worked with TheLostIndar to create this wallpaper for Keba-san's challenge Artist/Waller Tag Team Adventure! . Where to begin with the explanation? This is tough one but I will try my best...
This is a collaboration between theLostSindar and I. I had the idea of winter turning to spring and wanted to kind of tell a story with the help of Indar-san (can I call you that?). Anyway the artwork features her original character Silmei and her owl (BTW I loves Owls OwO) in a winter spring scene. To be honest I didn't mean to take this long to do my part with the wallpaper but lots of life events came up and couldn't find time to wall this. Now here it is (finally) the whole wallpaper in its entirity.
Let me just take the time to say how much I appreciated TheLostSindar working with me on this project. I am honestly having a hard time descibing the process and the story behind it. I will say I love how her art came out. Came out better than I imagined. It tells a story and it was a challenge for me to continue that story but I did.
For my part I had the hardest time and I mean the HARDEST time finding the right textures to enhance what was already so beautiful. I had originally wanted to put like a blue sky in it behind Silmei and the scene but ended up doing something else entirely. I found this vintage texture which just enhanced the texture Sindar-san used as the background for her fantastic art. I also used a christmas lights image of all things to give it that extra something I was looking for. I also used some sky actions to enhance the colors and sharpen it even further. I didn't want to go overboard because I didn't want to take away from the art. Hopefully I did ok for my part. I also added some lyrics from this song (listed and linked above) I was listening to when I started the whole wallpaper process. I thought the lyrics really fit and really added something and usually I'm hesitant about text in wallpapers. But this turned out ok I think but it is up to all of you to decide whether I failed or succeeded. All I can say is I did my best to do Indar-san's art justice. I hope everyone enjoys the wallpaper. Worked really hard on this with Indar-san and it was an honor to work with such an amazingly talented artist.
Dedication: TheLostSindar (of course)
Thank you first of all for working with me on this project for the challenge. I really hope I did justice to your already amazing artwork and I hope you like it. It was an honor and a privliage to work with you. Thank you again. It really has been a fun experience and hope we can team up again in the future. *hugs you tightly* You are truly amazing my dear friend.

Source Art
Turning to Spring ~thelostsindar
Original Anime and Manga Wallpapers
bokeh, challenge, dream, elf, flowers, klassic, owl, silmei, snow, spring, thelostindar, winter
16 votes thumb
16 members Favoritefavorite
ItachiSasuke chihiroyin Hifsa MangaKid Keba Si Rota Darkarax thelostsindar KyraChan allycat2090 XxArrancarFanxX
Member Dedication
Artist/Waller Tag Team Adventure!

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