Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) M.O.O.N. P R I D E

M.O.O.N. P R I D E
1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1366x768
1920x1200 | 1680x1050 | 1440x900 | 1280x800

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Sailor Moon Crystal

A follow up wallpaper to wrap up the inner senshi series of wallpapers. I am a huge fan of this series for awhile now. I loved Sailor Moon growing up. And was the first anime I've ever reaLly watched. I love the Sailor Scouts. They're all amazing and this wallpaper is a tribute to the awesomeness that is Sailor Moon.
All I did was enhance this scan with some textures and effects. And I slightly enhanced the colors. Wanted to make a wallpaper with this scan for awhile and it is. Title comes from the new opening of Sailor Moon Crystal opening theme MOON PRIDE by Momoiro Clover Z. I was mainly inspired by the PV from Moon Pride.
I hope everybody enjoys the wallpaper.
Dedication: Keba Si Rota
Cause you're epic and a fan of Sailor Moon and I wanted to dedicate this one to you. Hope you like it.
Added note: Made this in both widescreen resolutions. Enjoy! :D

Sailor Moon Wallpapers
ami mizuno, bokeh, makato kino, minako aino, moon, rei hirano, sailor jupiter, sailor mars, sailor mercury, sailor moon, sailor moon crystal, sailor venus, stars, usagi tsukino
15 votes thumb
15 members Favoritefavorite
KinomiyaMichiru JanuaryLeigh ziyoling 4 benihime27 chihiroyin Hifsa nikkeh09 Keba Si Rota Archmage225 allycat2090 Darkarax SongBird33
Member Dedication
Keba Si Rota

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