Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) Princess Soldier

Princess Soldier
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ChibiUsaSailor Chibi Moon
Stock Photo
*Other textures and gradients done by me in Photoshop
*may make another version of this wallpaper at some point with Eternal Sailor Chibi Moon
*Couldn't find link to Sailor Chibi Moon Angel wings render

I decided to make a bonus wallpaper to add to my sailor senshi series. This one features Chibiusa as Sailor Chibi Moon. She's the daughter of Usagi and Mamoru and the future moon princess after Usagi (please correct me if any of this info is wrong, its been along, LONG time since I've seen I've seen the original Sailor Moon series. I need to watch it again.). I've always liked Chibiusa/Rini and wanted to make this wallpaper.
To explain the process of this one a bit, I will say the creation process for this one is interesting, trying to find the right combination of blending. I wanted this one to be a bit muted and not too bright but yet showcase Chibiusa as a sailor senshi in training. She's pretty powerful, especially having Helios the pegasus as her aid.
I blended another Chibimoon wallpaper I did awhile back and liked the effect. Also used a monochrome stock image for extra drama. It ended up being dark pink due to the gradients I used. Overall I like how this one turned out. I hope everybody enjoys the wallpaper as much as I've enjoyed making it.
Dedication: SmallxLady
Here is a late birthday present for you. I had you in mind when I made this wallpaper cause I know how much you love Chibiusa. I hope you had a wonderful birthday and I hope you enjoy this wallpaper. *hugs* You're an epic otaku and a great friend.

Sailor Moon Wallpapers
chibiusa, chibiusa tsukino, city, pink, princess, sailor chibi moon, sailor moon, senshi
19 votes thumb
12 members Favoritefavorite
benihime27 chihiroyin Hifsa XxArrancarFanxX SmallxLady DoubleOtaku allycat2090 Darkarax Artgrrl
Member Dedication

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