greatyu (Wallpaper Portfolio) Heaven and Earth

Heaven and Earth
1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1366x768
1920x1200 | 1680x1050 | 1440x900 | 1280x800

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This wallpaper is an exclusive dedication to my friend Hitsuzen24 "who is no longer around due to a sudden and an unfortunate event"
Suzen-kun,Thank you so much for the advice you gave me I'll never forget them. Miss you loads! T T

About Ichimaru Gin:
Suzen-kun liked this character so that's why i used Gin in this. And i haven't watched Bleach, ever.
This also the first chara i used in a wallpaper from an anime which i haven't watched.
Honestly, at first Gin looked like a freak, his smile is weird~It's sooo fake but still he has this strange aura about him which makes him fabulous.
And i'm pretty sure i heard that he is a good chara so whatever.
I named this Heaven and Earth which totally has nothing to do with the theme neither the chara.

About the creation: This was hard to put together, i lost track of time.
Almost 3 duplicates of the same gradient was used.
2 White layers were applied.
Clouds were rendered and and added/overlayed twice.
Various burshes were used (a lot of vectors and lines and more)
I tried about more than 50 gradients to choose the best one.
I hoped to make this without the grunge/graffiti like atmosphere, but alas.
I'll totally admit the face is kinda weird, maybe it's the yellow, but i dunno.

Hope you enjoy this one.

Bleach Wallpapers
Bleach, Captain, Gin Ichimaru, Ichimaru Gin, Katana, Taicho
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Member Dedication

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