This is not based on any anime but a manga,
it's music related and i'm a music fan so i think i had enough reasons to make this.
About Fukumenkei Noise:
This is written/illustrated by Fukuyama Ryoko(Charming Junkie anyone?)it first starts with the friendship of Nino and Momo, who are singers.
And due to circumstances, Momo had to go away. Nino was devastated and she hoped her singing and music would reach Momo, during this period
Nino meets Yuzu, who falls in love instantly with Nino, but Nino only harbours feelings for Momo.
This wallie is dedicated to Yuzu(This poor dude like seriously hides his feelings inorder to make Nino happy
I don't know how many praises i can sing for this guy *face palm* he volountarily steps into the friendzone to protect his love.
He doesn't have the "manly" stature that most dudes have, but he acts out of pure love and chivalrly.
About this piece:
More than 4 gradients were used and re-positioned.
Various grunge brushes were used.
Took 5/6 hours
Scan used:
At the beginning it was suppose to be with a grey background and black brush strokes, but as usual it dramatically changed in the end.