Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) AWaKe in the [ S K Y ]

AWaKe in the [ S K Y ]
1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1366x768

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Original Art by Den-chan (HarvestmoonLuvr)

Iphone wallpaper with this Artwork

*Other Textures and effects added in Photoshop CS5

Another wallpaper from me. Yeah its been a bit since my last wallpaper. Let me tell you a bit about it.

There aren't enough How To Train Your Dragon wallpapers here on theO. I'm looking to change that because How To Train Your Dragon is an awesome series of movies and there's some books that the movies are based on that I'd like to read someday.
If you haven't seen these movies and you love adventure, dragons, and a great story then I recommend that you guys check out these movies. They are amazing.

Well this is a wallpaper using Den-chan's art. I was going to make this art into an iWallie but decided against it because I felt this one better suited for a wallpaper.
All I did was change the orientation to better fit a wallpaper. I was originally going to position this right side up but it didn't suit the original feeling of the art so that's why it is the way it is now.
I added some textures and used a photoshop action to enhance what was already there. Overall I'm very happy with how this turned out. I was originally going to add some text but decided against it because the wallpaper didn't need it.
The bokeh is from a photo I took which I will link later.

I hope everybody enjoys the wallpaper. Credit for creating this wonderful artwork goes to Den-chan,a very talented amazing artist here on theO. If you haven't seen her gallery, check it out and you will find many amazing works that's she's done over the years here.

Dedication: Den-chan (Harvestmoonluvr)
Hope you don't mind but I made a wallpaper with the other version of your artwork too. It was too epic to resist. I hope you like this wallpaper cause I'm dedicating it to you cause you're awesome and I love your art and also cause you're a good friend.

Source Art
Evening Flight ~harvestmoonluvr
How to Train Your Dragon Wallpapers
bokeh, boy, clouds, dragon, dragon riding, flying, harvestmoonluvr, hiccup, how to train your dragon, klassic, lyrics, sky, toothless
15 votes thumb
10 members Favoritefavorite
yuko9kost 7thEvaChild silent tear kita mikichi clueless101 harvestmoonluvr KyraChan 21Emmz12 XxArrancarFanxX allycat2090
Member Dedication

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