Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) Enter! Tyranno Kenzan!

Enter! Tyranno Kenzan!
1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1366x768

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Background Kenzan

This is the pose of the render. Not the exact one but close.

Custom texture made by me for this wallpaper

Made in Photoshop CS5

One more upload from me for the night. I decided to make a wallpaper of a character from GX that really isn't featured in a lot of wallpapers even though he is one of the main characters of the series.

He enters the show in about the beginning of season 2. Judai duels him to recover the stolen duel disks that he and his "gang" stole from the students. Needless to say he ends up becoming fast friends with Judai and he becomes a regular from there on out.

His name is Tyranno Kenzan (Tyranno Hassleberry in the English dub) and he duels wth Dinosaurs as his deck theme. He's one of my favorite characters of the anime. He's tough, strong, and loyal to his friends. And also he has dino DNA apart of him too which makes him resistant to certain magics that affected other students and more sensitive to certain things that others aren't aware of. Anyway that's a bit about Kenzan so those who aren't familiar with him. Anyways on with how I made the wallpaper.

As you know there aren't enough wallpapers of this guy. I'm hoping to change that by making wallpapers of these awesome characters who aren't normally highlighted. Especially here.
For this wallpaper all I did was make a custom texture which I used as the background and used a screenshot of Kenzan too as a texture kind of. And of course used a render of Kenzan and added a few simple effects to enhance the colors and that's how this one was made.

I hope everybody enjoys the wallpaper.

Dedication: Clueless101
I hope you like this wallpaper my friend. I don't think I ever dedicated anything to you and well now I am. You're an awesome friend to everybody on theO and an Epic artist. *hug*

Yu-Gi-Oh Wallpapers
dark tyranno, dinosaur, duelist, gx, kenzan, tyranno hassleberry, tyranno kenzan, yu-gi-oh, yu-gi-oh! gx
13 votes thumb
9 members Favoritefavorite
erialephise SongBird33 ElementalNinja allycat2090 nikkeh09 Darkarax 21Emmz12 clueless101
Member Dedication

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