Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) ~ S u n L i g h t ~

~ S u n L i g h t ~
1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1366x768

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Screenshot taken from this (Gosh I love this song and the PV so much. Plus the PV video I have is clean of the logos and such as well.)

To be honest I was bored late last night and I made a few Sailor Moon wallpapers. This being one of them. I absolutely loved this scene with Sailor Venus and so I made it into a simple wallpaper. Plus she's one of my favorite characters.

All I did was clean up the screen shot slightly and added a few textures and an action or two to brighten up the image. I really like how it came out. Almost looks like a realistic day time image and the sun is shining on her outside. Also used some bokeh and sparkle brushes to add more shiny.

Well I hope everybody enjoys this simple wallpaper. There's more to come soon.

Dedication: Hana Ishida
I dedicate this one to you Ishi because I can and just because you're an awesome friend. *huggles* Plus I thought of you when I made this. I hope you like it friend.

Sailor Moon Wallpapers
bishoujo senshi sailor moon, bokeh, minako aino, sailor moon, sailor moon crystal, sailor venus, sparkles, sunlight, sunshine
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