Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) B L a z I n g [MaRS]

B L a z I n g [MaRS]
1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1366x768

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Original Scan
(EDIT: I forgot to add the scan link the first time around. Scan is now linked :)

Textures: 1, 2 (texture taken from PowerPoint pattern), 3


Based on this Color Palette

This is my 2nd entry for the Color Palattes wallpaper challenge hosted by XxArrancarFanxX. I had originally selected this kind of pink,red,and purple color palette to use first. And this is my first wallpaper for February too. :)

Well I found this Sailor Mars scan from the Sailor Moon Crystal blu ray covers. This one stood out to me because it was a complete scan with the back and front all layed out together. I just loved the artwork of this one so I made it into this wallpaper. I had several challenges with this scan. Let me tell you about them.
The challenges I had while making this wallpaper was cleaning and fixing the scan. You see the scan had a crease in the middle and it was glaring. And of course I couldn't make the wallpaper without fixing the scan. So I cleaned up using the smudge tool in Photoshop. Its a handy little tool. I fixed her hair and bits of the background. And I spent a couple days doing this and I used various textures and things to enhance what was already there.
I'm pretty happy with how this turned out. Took about a couple hours and two days to complete.

Dedication: XxArrancarFanxX
For making this fun and exciting challenge. And also cuz you're an epic friend. *hugs*
I hope you (and everybody here) enjoys this wallpaper!

Sailor Moon Wallpapers
bokeh, clouds, Color palette, crows, fantasy, fire, flames, jewels, mars, pink, planets, purple, red, rei hino, rubies, sailor mars, sailor moon, sailor moon crystal, sky, space, stars
12 votes thumb
7 members Favoritefavorite
allycat2090 21Emmz12 XxArrancarFanxX Darkarax SongBird33
Member Dedication
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Color Palettes!

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