This one was a bit weird, kinda hard to do. Using three different scans made it difficult to achieve visual balance. Making sure the middle scan's hard bottom edge was covered also became quite troublesome.
I've recently argued about why I think Hetalia represents some of the greatest things about humanity, and I'm letting it spill over into this submission to the "Amor" challenge. Hetalia gives many countries (including countries who often get left out of media, mind you) full personalities based off of their cultures. It shows them being truly interested in one another, and truly caring for one another. Yes, they may fight, bicker, and poke at each other's weaknesses, but there's no doubt that in the end, they truly love each other. And that's what love truly is - really caring for another person, despite any conflicts that arise between the two of you.
This wallpaper was heavily inspired by this video, so I tried to portray the emotions I feel when watching this video in this wallpaper. Not sure if I quite accomplished that, though.
Lastly, in regards to the title - well, this is dealing with foreign countries, languages, and cultures... I just decided to give this wallpaper the same name as the challenge, since it's already "love" in a different language, anyway.
Dedicated to Judai because of the recent drama that has arisen. Also, as a thanks for the ramen. (I really like ramen ^-^)