Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) T a l e s (of) M i L L a

T a l e s (of) M i L L a
1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1366x768
1920x1200 | 1680x1050 | 1440x900 | 1280x800

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Render Milla Maxwell

Background pix One .& Two

Light Grunge + Blue Bokeh

This is my first Tales wallpaper that I've ever made. To be honest I've been wanting to make a Tales themed wallpaper for quite sometime, especially one featuring Milla Maxwell. Well I finally did. Here it is.

No I haven't played any of the Tales games but someday I would like to play Tales of Xillia. The game has fantastic artwork and music from what I've seen and heard (watched some Tales of Xillia related amvs awhile back and enjoyed them) and I wanted to try to capture kind of that Role Playing fantasy game feeling in this wallpaper. Let me tell you about it.

This wallpaper pretty much turned out like I imagined or at least close of what I had in mind. I wanted to try to create that fantasy RPG feeling that the tales games are known for and of course compliment Milla as well. This wallpaper took me about an hour or so to complete. I'm happy with how it turned out. I had a lot of fun making this too.

I hope everybody enjoys this fantasy wallpaper featuring Milla Maxwell. :)

Dedication: ElementalNinja
I wanted to make you something that I knew you would really enjoy. I know you love the Tales games and I really had fun making this for you. I'd like to present to you your birthday wallie featuring Milla. I hope you like it and happy birthday. It was an honor to create this for you. *hugs*

Made this in two widescreen resolutions: 1920x1080 (original resolution) and 1920x1200

Tales of (Series) Wallpapers
battle pose, bokeh, clouds, fantasy, milla, milla maxwell, rpg, sword, tales of, tales of xillia, tales of xillia 2, town
18 votes thumb
15 members Favoritefavorite
bjiougirl2000 yuko9kost ShyPrincess Harry829 allycat2090 SyntheticBlare ElementalNinja 21Emmz12 XxArrancarFanxX nikkeh09 KyraChan SongBird33
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