Snowzi (Wallpaper Portfolio) White Witch

White Witch
1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1366x768
1600x1200 | 1400x1050 | 1280x960 | 1152x864 | 1024x768 | 800x600
1920x1200 | 1680x1050 | 1440x900 | 1280x800

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Submission for the Something Different challenge!

When I first sat back and though of 'something different' for the challenge I immediately had 2 things come to mine: 1. Black and White & 2. Manga scans.

I LOVE making really colourful wallies! I love colours and as such I love playing with colours, sometimes they tend to be rather dark colours but so far I had yet to create something that was pure black and white (there is a grey scale one but I actually vectored that in colour and then changed the whole thing b&w afterwards).
I find that vectoring anime scans are the easiest. Depending on the scan it can be extremely difficult but the whole vectoring process is easiest when its a scan from an anime series. I never even look at the manga ones.

1 + 2 = one hell of a difficult wallie for Snowzi.

There were two initial issues with this thought though: Firstly find a manga scan that I could actually vector and secondly.. how the hell do I vector a manga scan?! This is madness!
After that without a doubt the hardest part was her hair. One of my many quirks is that I need lines to meet up smoothly, and hair can be particularly hard to keep smooth in a single line. Some scans it just goes everywhere and you cant see one strain from another... but I *do* see it and it drives me insane! >.<

I also wanted to include brushes since Ive never used one before... but after hours of googling I still cant find out how to work brushes in Paint.Net :( too cheap for Photoshop

As for the background, I just wanted something relatively plain so it supported the vector rather than be a distraction. Overall I am ECSTATICALLY happy with out it turned out! XD

Original scan - Oh Yuuko you so fine
Plus background 1



xxxHolic Wallpapers
Holic, xxxHOLiC, Yuko, Yuuko, Yuuko Ichihara
18 votes thumb
18 members Favoritefavorite
AkemiHomura ShyPrincess KyraChan 7thEvaChild Hifsa 21Emmz12 nikkeh09 yuko9kost XxArrancarFanxX tsubasachro Darkarax misachan83 Rainbow Dragon
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Something Different

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