misachan83 (Wallpaper Portfolio) No More Family

No More Family
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Song inspiration "Ya no" by Patricia Rivera (Spanish)

Music Video

Okay, so to start, I ended up putting a lot of thought into how I wanted to do this wallpaper. I'm a huge fan of Spanish music of all kinds, even though I've never been able to learn the language (Guess I'm just one of those people who can't get other languages). So anyway, I know that reading the lyrics to this song, you might question what is has to do this these two characters. Well, I was inspired when I kept thinking of the refrain:

No more, don't ask me to love you
I don't even want to see you
No more, no more, no more
For living at your will I cried so many times
No more, no more

The more I thought about it, the more I kept thinking about how it applied to some of my family and friends that have turned away from me for whatever reason though the years. I'm happy to say that there haven't been many, but it has happened. But back to this, I kept thinking of how Mika was turned into one of the creatures that Yuichiro came to hate for the murder of his family and what he had thought was the murder of Mika. Even though Mika says he wants to save him because he feels he's being used by the humans, Yuichiro would obviously feel conflicted and maybe not even want his friend and one he considered family back. So in turn he could just tell him that he wants no more to do with him and doesn't want to love him as his family or see him anymore. Hopefully that makes sense of why I chose them for this song ^^;

I honestly couldn't chose who to dedicate this to, considering that everyone on the 'O inspires me with their wallpapers and all, so I'm just leaving it to be for everyone. All of the work is amazing here, and I'm always happy to see more

Other Anime and Manga Wallpapers
family, mika, mikaela hyakuya, no more, seraph of the end, vampire, yuichiro hyakuya
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7 members Favoritefavorite
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Member Dedication
Go With the [Foreign] Music

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