Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) [ Be it Heaven or Hell ]

[ Be it Heaven or Hell ]
1920x1200 | 1680x1050 | 1440x900 | 1280x800

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Main images: [A] + (B)

Other images: City Blue Dimension + brush and one custom texture

Made in Photoshop CS5

QUote (originally was going to appear)

"Be it Heaven or Hell, I'll face it right here."
~PSI-Missing - Mami Kawada (translated English lyrics)

Yes long time no wallpaper. I have been going through an art block recently and I'm just now coming out it of it a little bit. I found the inspiration to make this wallpaper. Let me tell you a little bit about it.

To be honest I had planned to make a completely different wallpaper then the one you see now. I had originally planned to do a wallpaper featuring the Yu-Gi-Oh GX villains and possessed personas of some of the characters. But alas I couldn't find the image. I came across this one instead.

As you can see this is Johan Anderson both his good side with the seven crystals (ruby, amber, topaz, emerald, sapphire, colbolt, and amethyst) and Dark Johan (also refered to as Jehu by some fans) in the back. So in away it did fill my original concept of light and dark.

The wallpaper took about a few hours to make. This was mostly due to adjusting, positioning, and figuring out the right blend modes for most of my images. I'd also like to add one texture (the red and blue one) was made by me from another wallpaper I had made. I originally intended it to be horizontal but due to a mistake it ended up vertical but it ended up working better.

Overall I'm very happy with this one and the story behind it is kind of personal. Needless to say it helped me express some suppressed emotions I've been feeling. I felt better after making this.

This was actually inspired by one of my favorite Mami Kawada songs "PSI-missing". I was originally going to have lyrics in the wallpaper but decided against it due to it took away from the images.

I hope everybody enjoys the wallpaper.

Dedicated to SilverCatsama
Because your wallpapers are epic!

Yu-Gi-Oh Wallpapers
amber, amethyst, city, colbolt, crystals, emerald, fantasy, gems, heaven, hell, jehu, jesse anderson, johan, Johan anderson, rainbow, ruby, sapphire, topaz, wings, yu-gi-oh gx
18 votes thumb
15 members Favoritefavorite
Lynx1357 CureRose55 21Emmz12 code93 SilverCatsama allycat2090 LightFykki nikkeh09 toyotami kun Snowzi Darkarax misachan83 Creshendeath
Member Dedication

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