Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) |WONDERful*WONDER*world|

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*Pictures in collage: Too many to link (may link collage later)

Made in Photoshop CS5

EDIT:Here's the Song if case anybody wants to listen to it. It's the opening version since there seems to be no videos of the full song. It's an awesome song!

This was the hardest and most challenging wallpaper I've made for awhile. It took me a little over two hours to complete with a little over 20 layers or more. I had a lot of fun making this wallpaper. It's the first real wallpaper I've made for awhile.

I recently watched the movie of Alice in the Country of Hearts. I fell in love with the characters and the world. And I had to make something. I love almost anything that involves Alice and Wonderland.

From what I gathered from the movie, Alice is kidnapped by the white rabbit who is a man in this version. His name is Peter White. In this Wonderland all the guys seem to be attracted to her and there's this war between the territories going on. It was just interesting and fascinating to me.

The character Alice is with is the keeper of time (or he fixes the clocks which are "hearts" in Wonderland). His name is Julius Monrey. I found this render when I was looking for Heart no Kuni no Alice stuff.

For the background I started off with a background collage (the images you see faded in there) and found as many images as I could of Alice and the different guys that were with her. Anyways it was challenging to make. I wanted a background image of Wonderland, it was challenging to find one that fit but I managed. What took the longest I think making this was the collage itself and finding the right image that suited the theme I wanted to convey.
I think in the end it turned out great. I love how it came out. It was a challenge but totally worth it.

This wallpaper was mostly inspired by Heart no Kuni no Alice's opening song: Wonderful Wonder World - Hisano. I listen to this song so much. I can't get enough of it. :D

What do you guys think? Doing a wallpaper like this was a new experience for me and very challenging too. That being said, I hope you guys enjoy it.

Dedication: Misachan83
Because I can and because you're a great friend. *hugs*

Alice in the Country of Hearts Wallpapers
alice, Alice in wonderland, alice's adventures in wonderland, chains, clocks, fantasy, heart no kuni no alice, holding hands, juilus monrey, keeper of time, magic, pocket watch, romance, wonderful wonder world
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13 members Favoritefavorite
redeyes143 21Emmz12 XxArrancarFanxX allycat2090 tethysal nikkeh09 dr Muraki SongBird33 misachan83 clueless101
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