Snowzi (Wallpaper Portfolio) Moanin'

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Submission for the Believe challenge!

Lets just start by saying that my motivation music is a bit different from the norm. I played the piano when I was younger (violin too but I still play that one) but I dropped it as a teenager and I have regretted it ever since. I would love to sit down and play again but alas there arent enough hours in the day. On the rare occasions that I do have some time off I find that this is the one song that can motivate me to drive to my parents house and dust off the old piano: Moanin by Art Blakey & His Jazz Messengers.
Theres a link at the end, if you like jazz or have seen Kids on the Slope then you probably know it, if you dont then you should listen to it XD

Now then as for the wallie, I think I spent a solid 3 freaking weeks on this. Wayyyy to long. There are so many things that Im not happy with but my motivation to work on it anymore is completely gone, theres only so much I can take of trying to vector the piano piece behind the characters. Holy crap that nearly killed me.
So yeah not 100% happy but meh cant win every battle, and at this point if I work on it anymore I will probably ruin it.

Side note for the challenge: I didnt hug a llama but I have an uncle who owns an alpaca farm so I hugged an alpaca for you, its the closest I could do in rural Australia >.<

Original scan - I tried so hard to work the pattern from this scan onto the wallie
Plus textures 1 & 2 & 3
Plus Youtubey link - its a bit long so if you wanna skip straight to the piano part its at 6:15, thats the part I keep practicing over and over ^_^



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