Render: (โ )
Background scan: (1)
Balloons and other things borrowed from here
Made in PhotoshopCS5
Let me just begin by saying this wallpaper started out completely different than the way it turned out. That being said sometimes plans change and something else ends up happening which is the case for the wallpaper you see now.
I started out wanting to do a small wallpaper tribute to Duel Academy and the different characters from Yu-Gi-Oh GX with Judai as the main focus. But it started changing about halfway through when I had this idea to use or maybe made the balloons and such as used on the Black Anniversary (Joker no Kuni no Alice) image soundtrack cover. So I ended up doing that and used other textures and effects to get it the way you now see it.
Characters featured are none other than two of my favorites; Johan/Jesse Anderson with Judai/Jaden Yuki. This type of setting ended up working well. I was suprised with how this turned out but I quite like the results.
I hope everybody enjoys the wallpaper. Dedicated to Misachan83 because this wallpaper ended up inspiring this one. :)