I made this for clueless101's challenge 'Inspiration Is Everywhere'. Well the quote I choose was...
“It’s no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.”
― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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I choose this quotes because Alice in Wonderland has always been a personal favorite of mine ever since childhood. I think the that the concepts abstractly taught in Alice in Wonderland are great and something people should think of. I especially like this quote because it shows how often we are changing and becoming ourselves, each and everyday. It inspires me to live each day to the fullest and try and be better everyday, also to not regret the past because it's already over. (I hope that was a good reason that actually made sense haha)
I had to make a Tales of Zestiria wallpaper considering my life outside school has revolved around this game recently and I'm almost finished with it! Well anyway I hope you all like it!