Song: Forever Young by Alphaville
Minitokyo has been getting a ton of new SAO scans for the past few days, and I've been using a few of them to try and make some new wallpapers. So far, this has been one of the only ones I've finished. The others are all works in progress. I instantly thought of the song by Alphaville when I first saw this scan. Though usually whenever I think of this song anymore, I think of the episode of Regular Show where we learn how Skips became immortal.
Anyway, I kind of feel like I could've done better with the wallpaper. I'm not really sure if it was wise to just make the whole thing black and white and then add a high photo filter. Plus I'm wondering if I should've used a different font for the second line of text. But then, I'm the harshest judge when it comes to my own work. Overall, I'm pretty happy with how this one turned out. Enjoy.