Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) Time and Space

Time and Space
1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1366x768

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Render: (X) | Blurred 10th Dr.

Space (with Tardis) | Bokeh | Clock

Made Online using Pixlr
(Lovely Site that worked almost like Photoshop)

My first Secret Santa gift is complete for my good friend BubbleBee. I was so happy when I discovered she liked the 10th Dr as well. I'm also a huge fan of David Tennant (And Matt Smith as well). This is the first wallpaper I've made for awhile. It isn't as polished as I'm used to but I'm still pretty happy with it.

So I discovered Pixlr and I used it to make the wallpaper you see now. It allowed me to blend images much like Photoshop. It was really fun and easy to use. This wallpaper features David Tennant as the 10th Doctor. He's my favorite Doctor alongside Matt Smith. This took maybe about an hour or so to make.

Dedication: BubbleBee
Hello I am your wallpaper Secret Santa. I'm sorry this is a little late but alot has been going on in my life and I haven't had time to make this until now. I really hope you enjoy your wallpaper gift and that you've had a Merry Christmas. I am so honored I was able to make this for you.

Hope everybody else enjoys the wallpaper too.

Doctor Who Wallpapers
10th doctor, bokeh, david tennant, doctor who, epic, planets, space, stars, tardis, time, time lord
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