Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) {ARC} of Generations

{ARC} of Generations
1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1366x768

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Original Render: {*}

Can't find orignal Background sources at this time. :(

Made in Photoshop CS5

The last wallpaper in my backlog. I made it sometime last week late at night and I couldn't upload it because of that reason. Well I'm uploading it now (FINALLY)!

This wallpaper features all 5 protagonists from all the different Yu-Gi-Oh series. You don't see that very often. You also don't see a render featuring them either, espeically from the 777th episode in the whole Yu-Gi-Oh francise. Episode 73 of Yu-Gi-Oh ARC-V was the 777th episode in the entire Yu-Gi-Oh francise. That was quite an achievement and in honor of that they had a special version of the third opening featuring all 5 protagonists. You can see that here. I literally squealed for joy when I saw this opening for the first time. It was that epic to me.

What's even more epic is I got to make a wallpaper featuring Yugi, Judai, Yusei, Yuma, and Yuya all together. So credit goes to whomever made this render. I really must thank you from the bottom of my heart because without this epic render this wallpaper would have never been possible...

For the background I originally tried to make it kind of like the ending screenshop of the special 3rd opening of Yu-Gi-Oh ARC-V but it didn't end out working that way. Instead I found some images such as a city and synchro summon rings and blended those for my background and it ended up even better than I thought. If I remember correctly I spent at least a good solid hour or more on this wallpaper. I wanted it to look just right. And I'm very happy with how it turned out.

Characters featured (from left to right) are Yuma Tsukumo from Yu-Gi-Oh ZeXaL, Yuya Sakaki from Yu-Gi-Oh ARC-V, Yugi Motou (as the pharoah) from Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters (aka "original Yu-Gi-Oh), Yusei Fudo from Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's, and last but not least Judai Yuki from Yu-Gi-Oh GX.

To me seeing all these characters together is a testament to my childhood, I grew up with Yugi and his friends. I was in grade school when I first started watching Yu-Gi-Oh so making this was an honor for me and a priviledge really. Anyway I hope everybody enjoys this wallpaper. It is also my small tribute to the 20th anniversary to the Yu-Gi-Oh franchise.

Dedicated tO Darkarax who enjoys Yu-Gi-Oh as much as I do and as a thank you for all the support and friendship you've given me here on theOtaku.

Yu-Gi-Oh Wallpapers
atem, cards, city, duelists, fudo yusei, generations, jaden yuki, judai, judai yuki, pharaoh, sakaki Yuya, yami yugi, yu-gi-oh, yu-gi-oh 5d's, yu-gi-oh arc-v, yu-gi-oh duel monsters, yu-gi-oh gx, yu-gi-oh zexal, yugi motou, yuki judai, yuma, yuma tsukumo, yusei, yusei fudo, yuya, yuya sakaki
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