Song: Take Me Home by Phil Collins
A couple days ago I discovered that zerochan had a bunch of official SAO scans that for whatever reason had not ended up on Minitokyo. I spent a bit of time looking through them, and eventually decided that the image used here would be the best one for this one SAO wallpaper concept that I've been wanting to make for a long time. The song that I based this wallpaper on is probably my absolute favorite song by Phil Collins. I had always thought that the song was about a person who was finally returning home after being imprisoned for a long time. Like maybe he was falsely accused of a crime of a crime he didn't commit or he had been some kind of prisoner of war.
I thought that the song could apply to Sword Art Online, particularly the end of the Fairy Dance arc. So I looked long and hard for a scan that would fit, and this is the closest I've come. To be honest, I don't think that the image I used here is a perfect fit, but I feel like this is the best I'll ever be able to do. I should mention that the entire background was made using Photoshop effects. It took a little bit of trial and error with the colors though. Enjoy.