Original Image: {x}
Underwater 1 2 | Clouds moon | Brush
Made in Photoshop CS5
My second entry for the Pastel Picture wallpaper challenge. I decided to make another wallpaper, this time featuring Eternal Sailor Mercury. I don't why but I felt inspired to create this wallpaper. Sailor Mercury is actually the brains of the senshi group and deserved her own special wallpaper. Plus I love water and blue.
The editing process for this wallpaper was pretty straight forward, not a lot of complicated procedures like many of my wallpapers seem to involve nowadays. Just a simple blend of a few textures to enhance the original image and give it more of that underwater feel because Mercury's element is water. I had fun making this one and I love how it turned out. I hope everybody else enjoys it as well.
Dedication: Nikkeh09
I dedicate this one to you as a thank you for all the support you've given me over the years during my time here on theOtaku. You're also one of the most talented artists I know. Also it's your random dedication, I hope you enjoy it.