I made this wallpaper a while ago, intending to submit it to this challenge. Well, I woke up this morning, checked my updates, and discovered that Snowzi had posted her wallpaper last minute. Thanks to her, I realized that I really needed to post it today to get it in on time, so here we are.
Well, Guts never wanted to be a "hero". He never wanted to join the Band of the Hawk in the first place, instead wanting to work as a lone mercenary. All he really wanted to was swing a sword, fight, and fulfill his life in that way. But when he was thrust into joining the Band of the Hawk, he eventually developed and learned to try and appreciate living for things other than the sword, and eventually developed into the hero of his own story.
...I make it sound all so happy-dandy, it's ridiculous.
Dedicated to Snowzi for being my alarm clock, of sorts, for submitting to this challenge.