Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) fallen [ A N G E L s ]

fallen [ A N G E L s ]
1920x1200 | 1680x1050 | 1440x900 | 1280x800

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Original SCAN

Broken Glass (my photo) | more Broken glass | Clouds n city | Falling feathers

Song: Scapegoat from Owari no Seraph | Lyrics (all I could find was nightcored version to link :/)

Made in Photoshop CS5

The story behind this wallpaper is I've wanted to do something with this scan featuring Kazumi and Shana and I love the song Scapegoat from Owari no Seraph. I wanted to express some emotions I've been feeling for along time of pain, grief, and depression. The way I expressed this was through the use of broken glass and dark clouds and feathers. Sometimes I feel that graphic design is the best way to express my emotions. This took me a couple hours to make. I listened to the song a couple times while making this to get the right feeling for it. Overall I liked how it turned out.

I hope everybody enjoys the wallpaper. Dedicated to Misachan83 who I know loves Owari no Seraph. Even though that isn't the main focus of the wallpaper, the song originates from that anime (which I need to watch one of these days.)

Shakugan no Shana Wallpapers
broken glass, darkness, feathers, kazumi, kazumi yoshida, lyrics, shakugan no shana, shana, yoshida kazumi
10 votes thumb
9 members Favoritefavorite
nikkeh09 SongBird33 Snowzi allycat2090 XxArrancarFanxX misachan83
Member Dedication
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