Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) What { I } BELIEVE~

What { I } BELIEVE~
1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1366x768

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Yuu + Mika

Vanilla Sky | Lightning | Bokeh | Song

Made in Photoshop CS5

Alright so I started watching Owari no Seraph and I really love it. It is an amazing anime. I just finished the first season and now I'm on the 2nd season. I can't believe how it good it is, how addicting it is. I really like a lot of the characters espeically Yu and Mika. Such a good anime that is so dark. Wow but it has family at it's heart. I just am amazed with it.

Anyway slight fan rave aside I tried to make this kind of an answer wallpaper to my wallpaper featuring Mika alone titled "Sacrifice" which of course was inspired by Owari no Seraph's first ending "Scapegoat". I was listening to Skillet's song "What I Believe" when I made this, or rather when I began making this. The theme kind of carried through as I looked for textures and images that could blend with the amazing art of Yuu. This was a slightly difficult wallpaper to make in regards of how best to represent the feelings between Mika and Yuu, divided by a cruel fate, making a promise to save and protect one another despite everything. This is where I get so many feels from this anime, it's just so amazing. I used lyrics from the song in the wallpaper, seemed to fit, anyway I'm happy with how it came out.

I hope everybody enjoys the wallpaper.

Dedicated to Misachan83
I thought of you when I made this. Hope you like it.

Other Anime and Manga Wallpapers
brothers, family, mika, mikaela hyakuya, owari no seraph, senshi, seraph of the end, sky, space, stars, vampire, warrior, yuichiro hyakuya, yuu
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