Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) m.a.G.i.C.a.L { G i R L s }

m.a.G.i.C.a.L { G i R L s }
1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1366x768

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Characters: Luchia (Mermaid Melody), Ichigo (Tokyo Mew Mew), Amu (Shugo Chara!), Shana (Shakugan no Shana), Sailor Mars (Rei Hino) (Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon)

Red texture | Rings | Bokeh | Hearts | Brush | Extra Shiny

Made in Photoshops

Anime Girl Trope: 魔法少女 (Mahou Shoujo) | Magical Girls
Girls who have been granted powers through magical means. Most common ways are through items. They are girls who have the power to transform and save the world from evil. But meanwhile they also have to maintain a normal life as well. There are many different types of magical girls from magical idol singers (ex: Luchia from Mermaid Melody), Sailor Senshi (Ex: Sailor Mars), Magical Girl Warriors (Ex: Shana). Sometimes they even have sidekicks as well.

TV Tropes Definition of "Magical Girls"
"Known as mahou shoujo ("magical girl") or just majokko ("witch-girl") in Japanese, Magical Girls are empowered by various means with fantastic powers that both assist and complicate their lives, but manage to persevere despite this."

I chose to do the Magical Girl trope because I grew up watching Sailor Moon and over the years I've watched and read different Magical Girl series over the years. Most of my favorites are right here in this wallpaper. The characters I chose (from left to right are) Luchia from Mermaid Melody, Ichigo from Tokyo Mew Mew, Amu from Shugo Chara, Shana from Shakugan no Shana, and Sailor Mars from Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon. These magical girl animes have impacted me in one way or another. I love the idea of a normal girl becoming something extraordinary and becoming a better person in the long run for it. That's what I tried to portray here in my wallpaper.

To be honest this wallpaper took me at least 3 hours to make. This was due to finding the right characters that complimented each other. To be honest I was happy to include Shana and Sailor Mars in the same wallpaper. This wallpaper challenge was a perfect excuse to do so. It also took me a bit to make the background look just right. I didn't want it to be completely bright like typical magical girl backgrounds so hopefully I balanced it all out just right. Overall I'm pretty happy with how this turned out.

I hope everybody enjoys the wallpaper. Dedicated to LunaInverse as a birthday gift. Hope you had a good birthday. Also your work inspires me

And Yes Long Description is kind of long.

Crossover Anime and Manga Wallpapers
amu hinamori, amulet diamond, bishoujo senshi sailor moon, bokeh, cat girl, cute, flame haze, hearts, ichigo, ichigo momomiya, idol, luchia, magic, magical girls, mahou shoujo, mermaid melody, pretty, rei hino, sailor mars, shakugan no shana, shana, shiny, shugo chara, singer, tokyo mew mew
17 votes thumb
16 members Favoritefavorite
erialephise2 SeverFlame CureRose55 SongBird33 yamiyugi4ever LunaInverse Groovy Boar allycat2090 Snowzi LGA775 Darkarax misachan83 XxArrancarFanxX
Member Dedication
Anime Girls of At Least 1 Common Trope

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