Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) (the...BEGIN)ning

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Original SCAN

City | CLOCKS | Bokehs from HEREz | Brush

Song: The Beginning by ONE OK ROCK (Lyrics if anybody is interested)

Made in da Photoshops

How do I begin explaining this one other than I was inspired by an absolutely incredible song by ONE OK ROCK called "The Beginning". I have been listening to it for awhile and it is just absolutely incredible. The emotion the singer puts in the lyrics is epic. I couldn't help but see epic things like epic anime scenes of characters saving other characters and other things. It just invoked so many feels for me. That's all I can really say about the song itself. And it lead me to create this wallpaper.

Regarding the wallpaper I honestly had a different idea in mind but everytime I kept scrolling past this scan, it kept drawing my interest. After a bit I had to give up and use it because it kept sticking out. Of course it features Yuu and Mika and they honestly best fit the theme of the song well.

The Beginning talks about either lost or new love depending on your point of view. Or it could be talking about saving somebody which in the case of Yuu and Mika is perfect. I was originally intending on having Shana in this as well but that didn't work out as well as I had hoped. So I kind of blended them a bit with the background while still having them as the main focus. The back and forth and deciding how to go about this wallpaper is what took me the longest to make this. But overall I'm happy with the result.

I hope everybody enjoys the wallpaper and I hope my description kind of made sense.

Dedicated to Misachan83 for inviting to participate in such an amazing wallpaper challenge.

Other Anime and Manga Wallpapers
bokeh, brothers, city, family, mika, mikaela hyukuya, one ok rock, owari no seraph, senshi, seraph of the end, solider, the beginning, vampire, yuichiro hyukuya, yuu
11 votes thumb
9 members Favoritefavorite
ElementalNinja Snowzi allycat2090 misachan83 SmallxLady XxArrancarFanxX raeossom29
Member Dedication
Muse of Music

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