Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) but [ I SURVIVED ]

but [ I SURVIVED ]
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Original IMAGE

Dark OCEAN is dark | Black fire | Dark Stormy

Song: ALIVE ~ Sia

Made in da Photoshops

Yes I ended up using lyrics from yet another Sia song. What can I say? Sia is an amazing and artist with a unique and incredible voice. Plus her songs are full of meaning and are 100 percent boss!

To be honest I have never heard of this series before. Ajin: Demi Human is a new one for me. The artwork is dark with what looks like dark themes at it's core about a boy possibly controlling or working with a reaper like demon. Again I have not really heard of this anime or manga so I am not familiar with the story or it's characters. I just made the wallpaper from my knowledge base and personal feelings of darkness and coming through it.

The character in the wallpaper is the series main protagonist, Kei Nagai.

For the creation of this wallpaper I worked off of my base for darkness and songs. I ended up inserting more song lyrics into this one. Wasn't planned, just kind of happened and they fit as well.
The background is comprised of dark themed background images I found/collected. This one took a bit to put together. But overall I'm pretty happy with the result.

A little aside before I found the main image, I honestly thought it was a yoai manga because I think I typed the wrong thing into google. Gomenasai about that. ^~^;

All that aside, hope everybody enjoys the wallpaper. And especially KyraChan because this was the wallpaper you requested. Hopefully this is ok and I hope you enjoy it. Your card will be coming up soon.

Other Anime and Manga Wallpapers
ajin, ajin: demi-human, bandages, dark, darkness, demi-human, demon, kei nagai, knife, lyrics, mysterious, rain, smoke
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Karisan Kiiika allycat2090 Snowzi KyraChan misachan83 Darkarax XxArrancarFanxX ElementalNinja toyotami kun
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