Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) Wonderful {aLiCe} WORLD

Wonderful {aLiCe} WORLD
1920x1200 | 1680x1050 | 1440x900 | 1280x800

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Alice Kingsley + Alice LiddelL & White Rabbit came from HERE

Through the Looking Glass | Alice in the COuntry of TIME | tEXTURE | Lace (that I used to fix ALice's skirt | Hat that Alice is wearing | Background Alice | Brush

Main SONG(s) that I listened to while making this...

Made in Photoshops

Time Taken: Roughly about 3+ Hours (A lot went into this one wallpaper as you can tell)

Where do I even begin with this wallpaper? Except that it roughly took me about 3 hours to complete. A lot went into this wallpaper as you can see. So I got the hairbrained idea to make a wallpaper featuring Alice from Tim Burton's Alice in WOnderland: Through the Looking Glass (although ALICE in the Country of Time would have been a more fitting title. The looking glass theme was very loosely based.) and Alice Liddell from the Otome game series (which I've never played, seen the movie though) Heart no Kuni no Alice. Somehow this turned into a way more complicated project along the way. I will try to walk you through this process as best as I possibly can.

As you can tell from the various songs listed above, a lot of different songs inspired this wallpaper and influenced the style as I was putting it together. The main songs however have to be Wonderful WOnder World ~Dia ver.~, Just Like Fire, and When Can I see YOU Again?. These songs to me had various themes that fit with the story of Alice in WOnderland in general.

First off, Just Like Fire is the ending theme for the new Alice: Through the Looking Glass. This song namely talks about being able to stand on your own, even in impossible circumstances which Alice had to do in her respective movie. Just an awesome song overall.

Wonderful WOnder World ~Dia ver.~ is the theme for one of the games in the Heart no Kuni no Alice series. As the song is in Japanese I don't fully understand the lyrics. But the theme of the music heavily inspired the themes in this wallpaper. Especially the Heart no Kuni no Alice side of it.

When Can I See You Again? fits in with Alice and her going back home from Wonderland. She made friends in Wonderland and she wonders if she will ever see them again. It's one of those songs that are universal and also the music is just so good.

Fireflies just inspires fantasy inspired things in general. Also the music was relaxing to listen to while I made this.

For the process of making this wallpaper I don't even know where to begin. Basically I stared out with a Heart no Kuni no Alice scan which I ended up blending elements from the main poster of Alice Through the Looking Glass. Strangely this kind of worked. I just ran with it from there. What honestly took so long was just extracting Alice Liddell from her scan, fixing the lace on her skirt due to poor extraction, and just deciding how I wanted it to look overall. If I probably would have left it like it was when I first started the result would not have been as good as it is now. To be honest it isn't perfect. I did my best considering everything. Made this purely out of my love for Alice In Wonderland in general.

And Long description is VERY LONG.

That being said, I hope everybody enjoys the wallpaper. I would really appreciate some feedback on this as it is sort of my first time attempting something like this.

Dedicated to ElementalNinja just because.

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Wallpapers
alice, alice in the country of hearts, alice in wonderland, alice kingsley, alice liddell, colors, heart no kuni no alice, mad hatter, magic, peter white, pocket watch, red queen, through the looking glass, time, white rabbit, wonderland
11 votes thumb
8 members Favoritefavorite
nikkeh09 Kiiika misachan83 ElementalNinja allycat2090 XxArrancarFanxX
Member Dedication
Muse of Music

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