Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) Lacus Welt - you're not me

Lacus Welt - you're not me
1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1366x768

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Main Lacus

Background Lacus: One 2 Three

Texture 1
Can't find links to other two textures I used. Gomen (sorry) :(

Song: You're Not Me - Yu-Gi-Oh: the Movie (Insert) [Dub only]

Well here is a simple-ish wallpaper featuring one of the vampires from Owari no Seraph, Lacus Welt. Not much is really known about this character as he is a bit of an enigma. What I have observed of him personality wise back when I watched both seasons of Owari no Seraph was he was a bit sarcastic at times, curious about Mika's origins, he seemed to care for Mika somewhat. Other than that, not much is really known about this vampire. He is pretty cool though.

I did the best I could making this wallpaper of him. Not too many high quality images of him could be found which was disappointing. That is the main thing that making this wallpaper kind of difficult in that aspect. I did the best I could with what I did find. Blended with a few textures I had found awhile back (can't find their links. *hidesincorner*) I put lyrics from You're Not Me from the Yu-Gi-Oh movie soundtrack because they seemed to kind of fit his character. Plus it was the first song I was listening to when I started this wallpaper.

That being said, I hope everybody enjoys the wallpaper. Dedicated to Misachan as her prize for winning my wallpaper challenge. Hope this is ok, I tried my best.

Other Anime and Manga Wallpapers
lacus welt, lyrics, owari no seraph, seraph of the end, stripes, sunset, vampire
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