misachan83 (Wallpaper Portfolio) Tragic Princess

Tragic Princess
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My entry for the Ladies of Tragedy challenge :)

I ended up giving a lot of thought to which character I wanted to use for this challenge, but in the end, I couldn't resist doing a wallpaper of Euphemia from Code Geass. While it is true that Code Geass had a lot of tragedy in it, her death really caught me, and when I saw this image, I just knew what I wanted to do.

In a nutshell, Euphemia is the third princess of the Britannian imperial family, and half sister to the main protagonist Lelouch. I really loved her character for how strong her spirit was and her support of those around her (including trying to help those under them). She met a very sad end as a result of Lelouch though (you can read about it here, cause there's quite a bit of background leading to it too), and was even nicknamed the "Murder Princess" because of what happened. Her death affected quite a few characters, and especially Lelouch, who considered her his first love and vowed to defeat Britinna once and for all because of it. Honestly, I feel like her tragic death strengthened his resolve quite a bit (along with his once best friend and her knight Suzaku).

Honestly, I feel like Euphemia (or Euphy, as her friends called her), was a great character and made a serious impact in her tragic end. That's why she's my favorite tragic lady. This wallpaper ended up taking a lot of work to do, but I really do love how it turned out. I guess you could say I wanted to do something worth a memorial to her

Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion Wallpapers
britannia, character memorials, code geass, euphemia, princess, tragedy
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