misachan83 (Wallpaper Portfolio) For The Earth

For The Earth
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My entry for the "Your First Anime" challenge!

Wow, so this is really going back for me, but I love it too. So my first 'real' anime series was definitely Mobile Suit Gundam Wing. Yes, I did see Sailor Moon when I was little, but honestly, I didn't consider what I saw then true anime for how much they cut up the original airing of the dub for kids. Anyway, when Gundam Wing came out, it was the first anime series I really got into (and I still love it). Also, it was the first one that I got to see completely uncut and unedited. This was actually back in the year 2000 when it came to the U.S.(It was released in Japan in 1995).

So the story follows along the lines of Mecha, space, and war in the Gundam Universe. But I think what really sets this series apart for me from the others was the complex storyline and the characters. The story is set in a time where people live both on Earth and in colonies in space. Five young men (Gundam Pilots) descend to Earth in an effort to bring down the controlling powers and possibly bring peace between the colonies and Earth. However, they also end up as pawns of sorts in the war that starts. That's the best I can say about it without giving away too much. If you're interested, I highly recommend checking out this series. It's a definite classic.

Anyway, this wallpaper features the five pilots. From top going down left are Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Quatre Raberba Winner, Trowa Barton, and Wufei Chang. The two Gundam featured are the main two units in the series: Wing Zero (left) and Epyon (right). Each of these boys has a backstory all their own, and each is quite unique in their personality (which is something I just love with this series. All of the characters have so much more to them then just what they're currently involved in).

On to the techincal wallpaper side, I'll say now that this was a work in progress for quite a while. I'd rendered the image of the pilots months ago, but had no clue as to what I wanted to do with it. I eventually settled on the idea of Earth as a background, but still struggled to think of what else I could do. I thought of using their descent to Earth (Operation Meteor), but couldn't make that work either. Then I was looking through some of my saved pictures and the idea of the two main Gundams being added in just hit me. I do like how it ended up turning out (though I had a bit of a technical issue with the Gundams that just wouldn't completely fix).

Either way, I enjoyed making this wallpaper and having my trip down memory lane. I've even begun watching this series again (I haven't for quite a while, so I don't remember certain things). Hopefully this ends up being a decent tribute to (in my opinion) one of the best Gundam series of all time

Gundam Wing Wallpapers
barton, chang, duo, earth, epyon, gundam, gundam wing, heero, maxwell, quatre, space, trowa, wing, winner, wufei, yuy, zero
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