Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) Back in the Day...Origins

Back in the Day...Origins
1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1366x768

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Original TRAINers are Original

Kanto map | Origins | StRiPeZ | boKeH

Made in ze PhotoSHOPz


I've been on a Pokemon nostalgia trip lately thanks to the Pokemon Go games coming out not too long ago. No I haven't had a chance to play PokeGo myself yet, however I have been playing PokemOn Silver version as my own way of celebrating all the Pokemon nostalgianess. Also I never had a chance to complete the game as a kid due to...circumstances.

Anyway this is my little wallpaper tribute to the 4 episode OVA of Pokemon: Origins and the original Red, Blue, and Yellow games. I remember playing Blue and Yellow versions, A LOT of fun. Love these two characters, the main character Red (called Ash in Yellow ver.) and his rival Green/Blue (aka Gary m'Fo Oak) Yes I like Gary Oak because he is awesome.

Pokemon Origins was a nice anime adaptation of the original Pokemon games. I enjoyed the story of watching Red's journey. I like how they portrayed Red and Green in the anime. These were characters that I remember in the games and it was nice to see them given their own little story.

About the wallpaper: Well I spent a little over a couple hours actually working on this wallpaper, mostly because I had a difficult time of finding for one: A decent anime scan of Pokemon Origins, two: Decent art of Red and Green, three: Deciding how it should all go together. Basically with many texture trials, and blending tribulations, I arrived at the result you see before you. Yes it took some time but I wanted to make sure it looked good as it is basically a tribute to my childhood of playing through those awesome Pokemon games on my old Game Boy Color. *soManyFeelZ*

I hope everybody enjoys the wallpaper. Dedicated to all the Pokemon fans out there.
And I would say "Gotta catch em all" but that's damn near impossible now.

Pokemon Wallpapers
ash ketchum, blue, bokeh, charizard, city, gary oak, green, kanto, nostalgia, pokemon, red, rivals, trainers
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