Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) Wake me Up {inside}

Wake me Up {inside}
1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1366x768

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Original Screenshot is original

Dark grunge | Lightning | Dark ocean | DARK Action

Song: Bring Me To Life ~ Evanescence

Made in Photoshop CS5


A wallpaper made from a recent screenshot I found of the bracelet girls of Yu-Gi-Oh ARC-V. For many that are not familiar with them, they are Rin, Yuzu, Serena, and Ruri. They are part of a dark and sinister plan within the events of ARC-V. I won't say anymore because I don't want to reveal spoilers to those who may not have seen the recent episodes yet...

To say a little bit about this wallpaper, to be honest I made it out of going through a feeling of severe depression. I made it dark to express my feelings and just to let some of my feelings out in some sort of media. The song "Bring Me to Life" has always been relevant to me because I sometimes feel dead inside and some days (mostly nights) I feel like I may not make it. Yes I know this is dark, but that is the purpose of this is to bring awareness to the darkness that is depression. It often goes untreated or unnoticed by general society. It can be treated, but it takes a long time, and it isn't something somebody like me can easily just "get over".

As for making the wallpaper itself. I used a series of dark images and textures to create the mood I was going for. It seemed fitting given what is going on with the events surrounding these bracelet girls in ARC-V. This is kind of my little wallpaper tribute to them, plus when I saw this screenshot I had to make a wallpaper of it. May make another as soon as a higher quality one becomes available...
Plus I was just trying something different from what I usually do...

Regardless of this wallpaper's dark theme, I do hope everybody enjoys it.
Thank you for viewing, favoriting and/or commenting, I always appreciate it.

Yu-Gi-Oh Wallpapers
city, clouds, darkness, hiragi yuzu, kurosaki ruri, lightning, lyrics, rin, ruri, ruri kurosaki, serena, storm, yu-gi-oh arc-v, yuzu, yuzu hiragi
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ElementalNinja XxArrancarFanxX allycat2090 SmallxLady DarlingV Darkarax
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