Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) H E L L O

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Original BLAKE + RUBY

Writing | Clouds

Song: Hello ~ Adele

Made in Photoshop CS5


What to say about this one? Well was browsing Minitokyo's selection of RWBY scans and I found these two scans of Blake and Ruby. They were kind of the same image but separated into two scans. So I decided to try to put them kind of "together" and it just kind of turned into something from there.

While Ruby and Blake really ain't a "couple", however they were part of the same team and friends. This kind of ended hinging on end of RWBY volume 3 spoilers. Basically Blake has ran away, Ruby sets out on her own, leaving her depressed sister behind and tries to come to terms with everything that is happening and new evils taking over Vale.

The lyrics from "Hello" to me expressed Blake's sadness to leave everyone behind, but possibly she promised she would return. But again this is all just mere speculation, if I had decent skills of creating an AMV, I would make it with scenes depicting the last moments of team RWBY as a whole, then their tragic separation by circumstances. Ruby felt sad to be left alone but alone with the remaining members of team JNPR (now team RNJR with Ruby), she continues on, searching for answers and to battle the forces of evil and the grimm.

Basic wallpaper consists of two scans that I tried to kind of put together. Enhanced with a few textures and of course lyrics from Adele's "Hello". Took about an hour or so to put together. Made with my own emotions of sadness after suffering through a recent breakup.

That being said, hope everybody enjoys the wallpaper. Trying to liven this place up with another wallpaper. *blows dust of theO* *kicks a few cyber tumbleweeds around*


RWBY Wallpapers
adele, back to back, blake belladonna, dark, hello, lyrics, ruby rose, rwby, sad, stars, writing
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