Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) Bracelet Girls - Rin

Bracelet Girls - Rin
1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1366x768

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ORIGINAL Rin is Original

Rin Sprite | City | Plant things | Frame
*can't remember where I found ze shiny....

Made in that thing called Photoshops

Previous Braclet Girl: Serena


Next Bracelet Girl (and final One): Kurosaki Ruri


This is the third entry to my Arc-V Bracelet Girls series. The third bracelet girl from the Synchro Dimension is Rin.

To be honest I don't really know much about her character except her personality was sort of similar to that of Yuzu's, however when she got annoyed with Yugo she had a tendency to become a little meaner than Yuzu. I remember one scene in the first episode she actually made an appearance she kneed Yugo in the stomach....(yes she was brainwashed by a parasite but still...) Anyways I'm sure she's loyal and supportive of Yugo in his dreams. At least that's how she appeared in the flashbacks. Appearance wise she seems pretty sweet.

Even though Parasitic Rin dueled Yugo in a recent episode, I still am not quite sure what the theme of her deck is. I kind of adlibbed on the background and blended a city, a pretty flowers texture, and a bokeh together to make her background. Overall it seems to suit her. Hopefully more will be known about her in future episodes. I did my best with this one.

That being said I hope everybody enjoys the wallpaper. Dedicated to Darkarax just because....

Yu-Gi-Oh Wallpapers
blue, bokeh, bracelet, bracelet girls, city, green, magic, pink, plants, rin, shiny, stars, yu-gi-oh arc-v
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CureRose55 misachan83 Snowzi allycat2090 ElementalNinja Darkarax XxArrancarFanxX
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