Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) Bracelet Girls - Ruri

Bracelet Girls - Ruri
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Original Ruri is Original

Ruri sprite
| Some shiny | Featherlike | Ferris Wheel city | MOAR SHINY | Frame

Made in that one thing called PHOTOSHOP



Previous Bracelet Girl: Rin

Final Bracelet Girl: Ruri


This is my final installment to my Bracelet Girls wallpaper series. Now they've each been given their own individual wallpapers. I've been meaning to make these for quite awhile but was never able to quite find good scans/screencaps/renders of them until recently.

The FINAL bracelet girl is Ruri Kurosaki. Mentions of her start as early as about episode 18 when we meet Shun and Yuto who are looking for Ruri and they mistake Yuzu for Ruri at first, given their similar appearances. It wasn't until about episode 75 we first get to see her appearance. And a little later we actually get to hear her speak in a flashback when dealing with Sayaka.

Before her final official design was revealed there were MANY fan speculations as to what Ruri could actually look like. So yeah...she's been mentioned, in flashbacks, and finally in about episode 119 we see her duel (albeit she is possessed by a parasite) but it was interesting to kind of get some insight how she duels. Hopefully we get to see her duel normal too.

Personality wise she is kind of soft spoken, got a strong will much like Yuzu, don't seem to show many tsundere tenancies like Yuzu, Rin, and Serena which is kind of refreshing. She obviously is very loyal to her brother and friend Yuto. So I hope to learn more about her in future episodes. SO far she might have to be my favorite bracelet girl. It used to be Serena but she was knocked off that peg for...reasons....*coughKidnappingYUZUcough*

For the wallpaper basically tried to reflect whaT I knew of her deck element which seemed to revolve around feathered bird ladies. Kind of similar to Shun's in that regard. I also tried to reflect the XYZ dimension kind of. It was challenging to come up with her "background" but I tried my best. Hopefully I did Ruri and all the other Bracelet Girls justice with these wallpapers. ^^;

Hope everybody enjoys the wallie. Dedicated to SmallxLady because I can.

Yu-Gi-Oh Wallpapers
bokeh, bracelet, bracelet girls, city, feathers, ferris wheel, kurosaki ruri, ruri, ruri kurosaki, xyz, yu-gi-oh arc-v
10 votes thumb
8 members Favoritefavorite
CureRose55 SmallxLady ElementalNinja allycat2090 Darkarax XxArrancarFanxX misachan83 Moonfini
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