Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) | R E D (like) Roses |

| R E D (like) Roses |
1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1366x768

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Original Rwby is ORIGINAL

Snow | Stars | Brush

I think this was PHOTO(shopped) [Jehu: Of course it was...*rolls eyes and growls* Me: *Laughs hysterically* It's a joke, Jehu. Jehu: *moar growling* Whatevs...*drags me away* ]


Forgive my randomness about the Photoshop thing. Anyways I've been very random lately. Otherwise it gets boring writing descriptions in the same old dull ass format. Anyway on with your regularly scheduled wallpaper.

So yeah...what do I say about this one? It is a LOT darker than my "usual" wallpapers. Yes I do know that. You could say it sort of reflects some of my current states of mind in a way. Dark but yet hopeful at the same time. Does that make sense? Too me Ruby is that hope...

Yes heavily influenced by the song lyrics from Red Like Roses. This ended up turning out a bit different than I expected in the fact that it turned out darker than intended I guess? I intended the lyrics to be more pronounced but for some reason I liked it like this so I didn't change it. Something about this just works. This is one of those Less is more wallpapers. Anyways I like how it turned out.

Feedback would be appreciated as it is kind of my first time trying something kind of like this.

Hope everybody enjoys what I made here. Dedicated to my m8 Snowzi.

RWBY Wallpapers
beowulf, moon, night, red like roses, rose petals, roses, ruby, ruby rose, rwby, snow, trees
21 votes thumb
13 members Favoritefavorite
DrarkBlade Nessiered LunaInverse Snowzi DarlingV misachan83 ElementalNinja XxArrancarFanxX SmallxLady allycat2090 nikkeh09 KyraChan clueless101
Member Dedication

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