Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) いくZ!!(let's go)

いくZ!!(let's go)
1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1366x768

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Original Team Rocket x Ash is Original

Border thing | brush (can't find other textures -_-;)

Made in Photoshop

And yes creative title not so creative

Title also kind of taken from the lyrics of this Song too


To be honest I had a different wallpaper Idea in mind before I eventually settled on making this one. Truth be told I couldn't find the scan I wanted to work with in my files. So anyways, yep this one got made.

Screenshot is from Pokemon: The Movie 2000, I actually had this movie on VHS tape and I remembered watching the crap out of it. It was a good movie. It was how I fell in love with Articuno. I just remember it being awesome, the adventures, and Ash working with Jessie and James like in this screenshot. It's just classic Pokemon epicness man, can't go wrong with it.

I tried to do like an old photograph kind of thing. Used a few textures to enhance what was already there. Didn't want to take away from the focus of this amazing screenshot. So yeah, I like how it turned out.

Hope everybody enjoys what I made.

Pokemon Wallpapers
ash, ash ketchum, bokeh, effect, james, jessie, kojiru, meowth, musashi, nyanth, pikachu, pocket monsters, pokemon, satoshi, sepia, team rocket
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