Darkarax (Wallpaper Portfolio) Bracelet Girls

Bracelet Girls
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This next piece is kind of a tribute to Judai Winchester's resent Bracelet Girl wallpaper series. In fact I used the exact same set of images that she did, though that's because it's practically impossible to find good ARC-V images for making wallpapers. I pretty much have to take what I can get. Overall, I'm quite proud of how this wallpaper turned out. I experimented a bit by using some textures I have never used before (and I hope I put in the link to the right texture pack). My one regret about this piece is that I don't think that the background I chose is quite right. Anyway, the following is my current opinion of each Bracelet Girl.

Yuzu: I guess I've never felt strongly one way or the other about Yuzu. I have thought earlier in the season that she was little too harsh with Yuya at times, but over all she's a pretty likable character.

Selena: This Bracelet Girl is one of those rare anime characters that I both really like and really dislike at the same time. While Selena is a strong female duelist, often a rarity in the Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise, there've been times during the past few seasons where I've just wanted to slap her. I mean she just has kind of an ego, and it's often that pride of Selena's that's caused her to make rash and foolish decisions in past episodes, like not retreating when she got surrounded by a small army of security officers in the Synchro Dimension.

Rin: Currently my favorite of the four Bracelet Girls, mainly because she's the love interest to my favorite of the four Yu's, Yugo. I found that scene where Yugo and Rin finally reunited from one of the recent episodes from this season to be both touching and hilarious. I know that Judai thinks Rin kneeing Yugo like that is the result of the mind control parasite currently latched onto her brain, but I get the feeling that's how she really is. Rin probably has to be a bit... "brutal" in order to keep a hothead like Yugo in line when needed.

Ruri: Like Yuzu, I guess I don't feel strongly one way or the other about Ruri. I do think she does have the best hairstyle out of the four Bracelet Girls though. One other thing I will note though is that I found the theme to Ruri's deck to be the most predictable of the four Bracelet Girls. A deck of bird-themed women... yeah, I saw that coming like a season and a half away.

Chances are there may be a fifth Bracelet Girl somewhere down the road, that is if my Alpha Bracelet Girl theory proves to be correct. But we won't know that until maybe October at the earliest. Anyway, enjoy.

Yu-Gi-Oh Wallpapers
Bracelet Girls, Darkarax, Rin, Ruri, Selena, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V, Yuzu
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