Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) Put on your [WAR PAINT]

Put on your [WAR PAINT]
1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1366x768

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Original Velvet is original

Pirate ship EXPLOSION | map to NOwherez 8D | Ornamental Flames | and this too

Was Diz PhotoSHOPPED? 8D


While I don't really follow/play any of the Tales of Series, can I just say that it has some of the artwork I've ever seen in anime? It's just epic as hell. I just had to say that. Ok on with your regular scheduled wallpaper description.

I saw this Game opening and it just was....EPIC...so epic....like over 9000...Lvl...EPIC....for realz...

Anyway I kind of got a pirate ship vibe from it so I translated that into my wallpaper. Plus Fall Out Boy's "Phoenix" kind of helped too, especially with the line "Put on you War Paint" (titlE *forDaWinz*) which I was originally going to put into the wallpaper as text but it didn't really fit/took away from what I wanted to convey...so yeah. No text in this one but lots of Fire...and shiny!

Basically blended exploding pirate ships with a map to nowhere with epic fire and that is how I got this wallpaper. Plus of course the image of Velvet too. That pose was too epic not to make a wallpaper of. Sorry if this wallpaper description makes no sense. Sometimes there aren't really adequate words that really describe the process of creation of some of my wallpapers. Just being honest.

Anyway that aside, I hope everybody enjoys the wallpaper. Dedicated to ElementalNinja. Hope you like this one.

Tales of (Series) Wallpapers
burning, embers, explosion, fire, flames, pirate, pirate ships, tales of berseria, velvet, velvet crowe, vintage handwriting
10 votes thumb
9 members Favoritefavorite
CureRose55 allycat2090 misachan83 Snowzi Darkarax ElementalNinja XxArrancarFanxX
Member Dedication
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