Original SCAN is still Original
Bokeh | Spiral OVERlay | brush | and this quote
Yes, it was PHOTOSHOPPED (*^-゚)v
This is my 2nd entry for the "Memory of Ecards" wallpaper challenge. Yes I miss making those little guys. It was such a challenge to try to produce a Quality product inside of 350x350 pixels. But I loved trying to make them, especially with making the GIFs. Man I was just getting the hang of making simpleish GIFs too. Ecards were something special and unique to theO, they always made me happy to see the Quality cards that peoples made. RIP ecards, you may be gone, but you're never forgotten....
For my second "ecard" styleish wallpaper, I decided to make a Kaleido Star themed one. I had this scan sitting in my files collecting cyber dust. I just wasn't sure how to use it, until now. So basically blended a bunch of shiny with Sora and Layla (man Layla's hair looks so good in this scan. I loved her long hair too, but she looks so good with shortish hair. Looks kind of like mine. Anyway I loved this scan, it was nice to kind of revisit Kaleido Star in the sense of making a wallpaper with it. It was one of the first animes I really got into and it still is one of my favorites to this day. It is such inspirational to me and it is just amazing. )
That being said, I hope everybody enjoys my ecardish wallpaper. Dedicated to LunaInverse who's graphic style kind of inspired this one. :D