Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) d Shudisuta B

d Shudisuta B
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Original Sheryl x Ranka are Original & Alto

pink Stars | Fusion | Stripes |Logo

Made in Photoshop

*Title is from a song on the Macross F: Sayonara no Tsubasa soundtrack.


Well I recently watched through both the Macross Frontier movies again just for a bit of old nostalgia and to kind of prepare me for the end of Macross Delta. Yes I know makes a lot of sense watching Frontier before Delta. To be honest I just wanted to relive some of the old Frontier nostalgia. Frontier was a good series and I STILL love the music from that anime. It's SOOOO GOOOD, Yoko Kanno is a brilliant musical genius....

Found these arts of Sheryl and Ranka on the internet, naturally this lead me to make kind of a tribute wallpaper to Macross Frontier as a whole. Love Sheryl and Ranka in these costumes. These costumes might be my favorite ones outside of the Sayonara no Tsubasa stage outfits. Shiny art is shiny and yeah...moving on....

Wallpaper is stars, stripes, and swirly fusion blended together for background. Of course Sheryl and Ranka in the foreground. I kind of stuck Alto in the background since he is kind of the driving force for Sheryl and Ranka throughout the Frontier series, given they both have feelings for him and all. Anyway liked how this turned out.

Hope everybody enjoys the wallpaper.Dedicated to XxArrancarFanxX for her birthday. Hope it's a good one for you.

Macross Wallpapers
alto saotome, costume, cute, love triangle, macross frontier, pink, pirate, ranka, ranka lee, sheryl, sheryl nome, sing, space, stars
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Rabbita stararnold Snowzi anne0807 nikkeh09 allycat2090 ElementalNinja XxArrancarFanxX
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