Original Alpha Bracelet girl is original
Previous Bracelet girls
and of course Darkarax's wallpaper of ALL BRACELET GIRLS
can't find background sources
Made in...you guessed it...PHOTOSHOP
Darkarax Alpha Bracelet Girl Theory = 100% Confirmed (Source: Yu-Gi-Oh ARC-V EP #126)
That being said, yes and her name is Ray. Turns out she was the daughter of the professor and is the Alpha Bracelet Girl. Whether or not she actually has a bracelet only time will tell. She is the unified persona of Yuzu, Serena, Ruri, and Rin and her appearance had characteristics of all of them. Man what an episode. Let me tell you...whoa.....*me watching ARC-V 126*
At this time, not much is know about Ray as a character other than she is "possibly" the one who may or may not defeat Z-Arc in the end. Very interesting. She seems determined, confident, and I really can't wait to see her more in action in ARC-V future episodes. Just glad they finally revealed her identity. I had this feeling for awhile that all of the Bracelet Girls/Yu boys were in fact one person at one point in time. So this just confirmed that.
For my wallpaper I basically just used all 4 of my previous Bracelet girls wallpapers and put them together. And seeing Ray up against them just blows my mind even more. Overall the most challenging thing during this whole wallpaper was extracting Ray and of course cleaning up the image to make it come across as crisp as possible. I feel the end product came out ok. I may remake this at some point but for now, this is as good as it is going to get.
That being said, hope everybody enjoys the 5th installment of my bracelet girls wallpapers. Wasn't entirely sure I'd even end up making this one but I did because Darkarax did in fact call it.