Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) うた わ いのち

うた わ いのち
1920x1200 | 1680x1050 | 1440x900 | 1280x800

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Original SCAN is original (Vector by Snowzi)

headphone bokeh | equalizer texture | brush

Can't remember where I found city backgrounds. T.T

PHOTOSHOP CS5 has STRUCK AGAIN! *EVIL laughter* (jk)

Team Judazi Snowchester has struck AGAIN *lightning strikes*


All meme and GIF linking aside, yes Team Judazi Snowchester has indeed struck again. With another wallpaper. Yay!

My good mate Snowzi made the Judai vector first off. Yes I have been wanting to work with the original scan that the vector came from but of course, it had writing on it. This was where I asked for Snowzi's help. And without her help, this wallpaper would not have been possible. I absolutely love Snowzi's vectors. There is always something about them that has life. They're just epic honestly. Need I say more. So yeah, Props to my mate Snow-chan. Arigatou Snow-chan for helping me once again with your fabulous vectoring skillZ~!

Writing these wallpaper descriptions is hard.

Anyway to be honest I had a certain idea for the background in mind. Somehow I ended up arriving at Bokeh Music Town. Don't ask me how, well the music one is Obvious but the bokeh well, everything (at least graphics wise) is better with Bokeh. Can never have too much Bokeh. Well you can....and....yeah...*mutters to oneself*

So..yeah...I well blended everything together as I do as usual. Trying to work for the right amount of balance so it wasn't TOO Bright. Overall this process probably took me about, maybe a couple hours to an hour and a half. Somewhere in there. Anyways it took awhile as most of my wallpapers generally do. But yeah singing Judai is epic! Wish he had a character song from GX. Well I suppose if you count ending two "Wake Up Your Heart" he kind of does I guess. But anyway I digress...as usual.

The title comes from Kaname Buccaneer's quote as she turns into her Walkure form. "Uta wa Inochi" basically translates to Music is Life. Which in reality Music is pretty much a big part of my life. I couldn't go without it.

Anyways peeps, hope y'all enjoy the wallpaper. Dedicated of course to Snow-chan which of course without her help this wallie would not have been possible.

Yu-Gi-Oh Wallpapers
bokeh, city, headphones, judai, judai winchester, judai yuki, Judazi Snowchester, microphone, music, music notes, shiny, singing, snowzi, song, team Judazi Snowchester, vector, YU-gi-oh gx, yuki judai
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10 members Favoritefavorite
nikkeh09 CureRose55 Snowzi ElementalNinja kita mikichi Darkarax allycat2090 misachan83
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