Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) (L) apis (L) azuli

(L) apis (L) azuli
1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1366x768

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Original Ruri is Original

Feathers | Shiny | Soundwaves | brush

Twas 'shopped


Since I have drawn Ruri a couple times now. Just figured I'd make a wallpaper of her. So what the hell? Here's a wallpaper of Ruri. To tell you the truth I was trying to come up with a new background for my journal world, trying to make it RWBY themed but that didn't really work so made a wallpaper of Ruri instead, not that is a bad thing. I like making Bracelet Girl wallpapers.

The title comes from one of the various translations found on her wiki page. Lapis Lazuli is a gemstone that is a deep blue. Here is a picture of what it looks like. It's quite a pretty gem, kind of like Ruri.

For the wallpaper I just started off with a simpleish purple and black gradient, then blended feathers and a shiny swirly background. Yes I know that sounds simple but this took a bit to come up with. At first I tried adding bokeh, took away from the minimalistish effect I was trying to accomplish. Tried to keep this kind of simple while still having some shiny. Overall I think this turned out pretty good. I just wish there was some official scans of Ruri because most of what I find is fanart, not that fanart of her is bad, just don't want to use fanart, well for obvious reasons.

Anyway I hope everybody enjoys my wallpaper of Ruri. Been a little bit since my last wallpaper upload so here's another one.

Yu-Gi-Oh Wallpapers
cards, duel disk, duelist, equalizer bars, feathers, kurosaki ruri, magic, ruri, ruri kurosaki, stars, xyz, yu-gi-oh arc-v
10 votes thumb
9 members Favoritefavorite
allycat2090 nikkeh09 aka yuki misachan83 kita mikichi ElementalNinja LunaInverse XxArrancarFanxX Darkarax
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