Darkarax (Wallpaper Portfolio) Eternal Conflict

Eternal Conflict
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Here is Soulanime14's first prize for winning my recent Ladies of Tragedy wallpaper challenge. Soul wanted a wallpaper featuring Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII, but I decided to go one better and do a wallpaper featuring both Cloud and Sephiroth. I actually am somewhat familiar with Final Fantasy VII. I never played the game, but I did see that Advent Children movie a few years ago. Of course I do kind of wish that I had played the game or at least looked up the game's story before watching the movie, because afterward I had to use the internet to figure out what it was I had just seen.

One thing I will note is that Sephiroth is a pretty interesting villain, and he did have that cool theme music.

Anyway, this wallpaper ended up being something of a challenge to make because it was a little hard finding the right scans. I couldn't work with the CG versions of the characters from the Advent Children movie, so that limited my options a bit. Fortunately I was able to find much better scans using the character tags. Originally Sephiroth was going to be part of the background as a large transparent image, but I decided that the whole thing would look better if Cloud and Strife were standing next to each other. Enjoy.

Final Fantasy VII Wallpapers
Cloud Strife, Darkarax, Final Fantasy VII, Sephiroth
10 votes thumb
7 members Favoritefavorite
Snowzi Karisan allycat2090 nikkeh09 XxArrancarFanxX Rainbow Dragon Soulanime14
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