Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) G l o r y

G l o r y
1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1366x768

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Original Judai is Original

Collage | sWirly | fire

*can't remember where I found that blue/red texture. Was a long while ago

*Title borrowed from thIS Song

Photoshopped? Why yes. Yes it is


Decided to blow some dust off of my Photoshopping skills and make another wallpaper. This one features the infamous Judai Yuki in all of his epicness. Collage was from another wallpaper. No law that says I can't use it again. Anyway there isn't enough epic Judai or GX wallpapers for that matter on the interwebs. Just trying to contribute cause I frigging love this anime. Yes even today I still find myself comparing other animes/characters to GX. Yes I know it is as weird as this paragraph but it is what it is yo.

Wallpaper made with blending skillz, photoshop skillz, and maybe a little bit of Disney magic. For real though it was made out of a bit of inspiration I had. Didn't feel like writing a long description for this one.

Basically Judai=EPIC, love him so I made a wallpaper of him. Enough said.
Wish theO would include 4k resolution wallpapers. Just saying. Wanna make one. :D

Hope everybodyz enjoyz the wallpaper!~ Dedicated to Misachan for her epic Yu-Gi-Oh wallpapers that she's made as of late. That one of Kaiba was Killer!~

Yu-Gi-Oh Wallpapers
card, collage, duel academy, duelist, judai, judai yuki, shiny, stars, yu-gi-oh gx, yuki judai
9 votes thumb
8 members Favoritefavorite
Snowzi nikkeh09 CureRose55 Darkarax XxArrancarFanxX ElementalNinja misachan83
Member Dedication

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