Rainbow Dragon (Wallpaper Portfolio) Courage (a Yuzu tribute)

Courage (a Yuzu tribute)
1920x1080 | 1600x900 | 1366x768

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Original Yuzu is Original

Background Yuzus | filmstrip | City | Pink bokeh is pink

Title from this Song

A tale of two Photoshops

also here is a Tribute Video I made for Yuzu


Yuzu Hiragi

Episodes: 1 ~ 131 - 遊☆戯☆王ARC-V

Yes this desciption may be slightly spoilerific, just letting my fellow Otakus know if they are following ARC-V that the following information contains a few spoilers.

In the latest episode of Yu-Gi-Oh ARC-V, our main female Yuzu Hiragi has fallen due to being sacrificed for the ARC-V project to revive Ray, the Alpha Bracelet Girl. The other Bracelet girls are soon to fall suit.

I am saddened by this because Yuzu was a character with a lot of potential. She started out strong, dueled for several episodes for love and justice in the name of the moon *small Sailor Moon joke* Anyway her last actual duel was episode 83. She will be greatly missed by many Yu-Gi-Oh fans, including myself.

Yuzu was a great female character who was loyal to her friends, she had a bit of an attitude but she got stuff done. I hope she comes back in later episodes.


For the wallpaper I wanted to try something different. So I used black and white filters on the images. The only color images being the main image of Yuzu and the bokeh textures used to enhance the wallpaper. I did this so it had kind of a sadness to it while being a tribute to her character as a whole. I have a feeling I will probably make one for each Bracelet Girl as they die. I'm not looking forward to the future episodes for the reason. But I will still watch because lots of plot be happening.

Anyway hope everybody enjoys my wallpaper tribute to Yuzu Hiragi. Dedicated to LunaInverse who's work inspires me to make better stuff.

Yu-Gi-Oh Wallpapers
bokeh, city, duelist, hiragi yuzu, pink, tribute, yu-gi-oh arc-v, yuzu, yuzu hiragi
7 votes thumb
9 members Favoritefavorite
LunaInverse nikkeh09 stararnold ElementalNinja allycat2090 misachan83 Darkarax XxArrancarFanxX
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